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47 title(s) found for your search: Literary Criticism
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Title/Author Year Price Order Aknarkner hay ergitsakan grakanutyan patmutyan (1920-1980-akan tt.). Bodosyan, Silva Sureni 1991 $ 24.00 Slovar tropov Brodskogo : na materiale sbornika "Chast rechi". Polukhina, Valentina; Pialri, IUlle 1995 $ 20.00 Trudy po russkoi i slavianskoi filologii : literaturovedenie. vol.1. 1994 $ 25.00 Studia russica helsingiensia et tartuensia IV : svoe i chuzhoe v literature i kulture. 1995 $ 17.50 Poetika oguzskogo geroicheskogo eposa. Ibraev, Sh. 1997 $ 15.00 Sudba eposa "Manas" posle oktiabria : sbornik dokumentov. 1995 $ 18.50 "Manas" : istoriko - kulturnyi pamiatnik kyrgyzov. Moldobaev, Imel Bakievich 1995 $ 19.50 Khalyqtyng iumoristik sasmauere : (zhanr torlologo ham poetik uthensalektare). Solaimanov, A. M. (Suleimanov, Akhmet Mukhametvallevich) 1998 $ 17.00 I. IA. IAkovlev sinchen khuna chan samakh. Mukina, Iraida Vasilevna 1998 $ 17.00 I. IA. IAkovlev tata chemperti tep chavash shkule = I. IA. IAkovlev i simbirskaia tsentral. chuvash. shkola : mat. nauch. konf.. 1997 $ 14.00 Displaying titles 1-10 of 47 next 10
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